Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thaniya plans green community mall

Keep Green Environment
Thaniya Group plan a big project,they want to construct neighbourhood community malls but it isn't ordinary malls.Thaniya Group try to make the mall unique natural as much as possible with green community concept.They say it's time to develop our country but keep it natural.Then this big project was created and it will be start in three months later.

First time when I read this article,I really impress about Thaniya Group's idea because they try to mix modern and natural together.I never see something like this project before.I think this place it going to be the first little forest in the middle of metropolis in the future.


Drilling concessions strongly opposed

Oil exploration in the Gulf of Thailand is met with outrage from locals and tourist-related industries

On 7th August 2010,A lot of people start to protest against the oil exploration plan.They protest by try to make a link of human around Samui island.The main purpose of this protest is to oppose the oil exploration because government want to construct the oil exploration near Samui island.The protesters think if construction happen it might be destroy environment around Samui island, the world-famous tourist spots. Do you think it's OK when beautiful places have destroyed.

This forum is interesting.For me, I love to travel to many places especially a sea.So,I agree with protesters because I don't want to see any natural place destroyed.I don't know why government decide to construct the oil exploration on that place but I know one thing,it isn't a right thing to do.


King Power blast M79 grenade

On 26th August 2010,the King Power has bomb by unidentified group.On Thursday night the King Power has bomb by M79 grenade.When police arrive they assume that the bomb might be fire from the opposite side of the King Power.This circumstance has one victim,Jessada Chankrachang.He is a security guard of the King Power.The police think this circumstance link with the previous happen on July 30. Lastly, the police conclude this group of unidentified people just want to disturb the society.

I think this circumstance shouldn't happen because in the past Thai people have unity and everyone try to protect our country together. I don't know what going on with Thailand everyone doesn't help each other like before. For me, I like to fix a problem with love and peace instead of hate and violent.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thaksin 'still healthy.

Two years ago in Thailand, there is a big problem for Thai people. It's a revolve.One of people in that event is Thaksin.He was a president of Thailand, and the leader of Thai rak Thai Democrat.He must go out of country, and can't come in Thailand.Now,there is a big news. It's Thaksin Shinawatra is still healthy and strong.He call Somchai to wish him a happy birthday.He told him that He was staying far away from Thailand.

In my opinion,I'm happy when I hear that Taksin will stay far away from Thailand for a while because he doesn't want to start a problem in the Thailand again.I think he does a right thing now. About his healthy,I'm glad to hear that he is still healthy and strong because I don't want see anyone die from this problem anymore.


SINGHA Super Kids with Paradon

There are many sports in the world such as golf, football, basketball,tennis, and etc. However, tennis is one of popular sports in Thailand.There are many athletes of tennis in Thailand such as Paradon Srichaphan.

Now, Singha Corporation and Paradon Srichapan present the big event for Thai kids.Kids joining it must be Thais and love to play tennis.and aged between 10 -18 years old.This event's name is Singha Super Kids with Paradorn.Kids who have an opportunity will be in PTT Thailand Open 2010, and watch it in VIP room.Applications close on 20 September 2010.You can get more information in 02-242-4499.

In my opinion, I think it's good because sport is very important for kids.It can make them strong.This event give a chance for kids to meet the famous athlete in Thailand.It can make unity between kids and kids or kids and athlete.Moreover,it can promote Thai tennis player and it can show the power of the Thai kids.


BRT starts operation today

There are many ways to transport in Thailand such as buses, cars, boat, train, and etc. Now, Bangkok has a new type of bus It's BRT. It's a speed bus.It starts on 29th May 2010. The first BRT runs between Sathorn and Tatchapruek.Everyone can use it for free since the first day to 31st August. After that, the BRT fee set at 10 baht.

I think it's very good because it's cheap and comfortable.You can go to your destination quickly, if you use it.I think if this can go around Bangkok, it's the best transportation of Thailand.I think to use public transportation is good for the world because you can reduce to use petrol and heal the world from global warming.Finally,if I have freetime, I will use it exactly.


Which is the best school?

A lot of parents think a way to make their child smarter or has a great role in a future is send them to 'The best' school.So,most of parents think a school must take responsibilities to make their child learn in a right path ,but which is the best school? It has a lot of schools in the country but no one can guarantee which is the best school? Obviously,the best school is child's home

From research result,the best school for child is their home and their first teacher is their parents.If parents can direct their child correct in the first step you can make sure that your child can do a lot of things better than other child in same age.

This forum is very interested for me because I wonder for long time that what is the best school? I can't define what the best school should be.So'I stongly agree with this forum,It says 'parents is a first step of their child'.


Shadow fall in Thailand

Nowadays, there are many bands and many kinds in the world.I like listening rock music. My favorite bands are Dream theater,Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Red Hot Chilli Pepper, and so on.

On 30th September 2010, Shadows Fall, band who plays Heavy Metal music,
will perform in Bangkok. it was formed in 1995, and it has been composed of Brian Fair (vocals), Jonathan Donais (lead guitar), Matt Bachand (guitar), Paul Romanko (bass), and Jason Bittner (drums). it has six album, and it's very popular in

I think this concert is interesting for me. If I have freetime, I will be in
this concert absolutely. I listen Shadows Fall when it has album4.I like this band a lot.



The CP Group plan to open the 'CP Pavilion' in 'World Exposition Shanghai China 2010 or World Expo 2010 Shanghai – China'.The CP group invested over 40 million Baht in 'CP Pavillion' that has many kinds of Thai and Asian food.The purpose of 'CP Pavilion' is to promote the CP brand that it has safety foods and high quality.

The CP Pavilion consist of two floors.The 'Fast Food' zone is in the first floor.The second floor is for the 'Fine Dining'.There are 130 restaurants in the Expo and you can try many kinds of food that you want.

CP Lotus is another things to make CP Group become famous.The store has national interior style.Nowadays,there are over 73 C.P. Lotus stores in the China and It has over 300 billion customers per year.

In my opinion, I think the CP Group is a one of many organizations that achieve.The CP Group is a Thai organization that has ability to go to international and has a lot of connections all around the world.So, I think this is a good news for Thai people.I'm proud in CP Group and want to congratulation with them.


The best movie I ever watch

In Thailand, there are many movies that are created by Thais, and many movies show in other country. Thai-Action is a very famous kind of movies.Tom-Yum-Kung is one of movies shown in other country and has a great success.

2 weeks ago, I went to cinema with my friends and watch a movie " Kuan Mun Hoo ".
This English's name is Hello Stranger. I love this movie very much because it has
Comedy, and Romantic.

Yesterday, when I watched TV in my home, The entertainment news told that
Kuan Mun Hoo can get profit 85 millions baht for 2 weeks.I think it's a good news because this movie is very fun.If you have free time, you should go to watch it, and it also has English subtitle.


Thailand Premier League

There are many sports in Thailand, but the most favorite sport is football.Suddenly, World Cup 2010 in South-Africa have just finished.Many people watched it, and it's very popular.

In Thailand. There are also big competition of football.It's Thailand premier league. There are many football clubs in Thailand such as Chonburi FC,
SCG Samutsongkram FC, Bangkok gas, and so on.

The last match is match 172 on 22Th August 2010 at Samutsongkram Stadium.
SCG Samutsongkham FC versus Chonburi FC. Chonburi FC won 3-0.The score was gotten by Ney Fabiano De Oliveira.

I think this match is very good because it's the first match of Thailand Premier League 2010 I watch. If people in Thailand play football more than now, Thailand can join in World Cup.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

It all adds up to success

In the 51st International Mathematical Olympiad in Kazakhstan.Thai student have won gold and silver medals and bring honor to Thailand.
In the team consist of six secondary school students,they take one gold medal and five silver medals at tournament,which began between 2-8 july in Astana,the capital city of Kazakhstan.
Nipun Pitimana-aree from Srinakharinwirot University,has gold medal.Other five have silver medal.But how do thy do that? How do they prepare him or herself to win this tournament? Gold medallist Nipun said he has a lot of practice and has taken maths solution at many different levels that make him smarter and teach him to plan a way to learn.

In my opinion, everyone in the world has equal brain but how each person can go far.I think it depend on persistant,diligent,and sometimes you might use lucky in your life.Just like Nipun in the forum he studies a lot of things when he was young.He makes his dream come true and brings honor to Thailand.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Companies that Care?

Corporate social responsibility is the way forward for sustainable business
Want to planting tree? But feel complicated to prepare myself.Now you can do this with out any equipment just grab your mouse and click it.Nowadays, It has many website do this activities on Internet.

One of them run by petrochemical titan PTT Plc. The initiative is "Million Trees for King".The tree website( is to praise majesty the king and make Thai people become more unity.

The other one company is The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat) they start similar campaign and has a same objective.However, some companies misunderstand about this objective.They want to gain money from a campaign and take benefit from it.

In my opinion, this campaign is great idea and website easy to understand.You can plant,sprinkle,put fertilizer on by just sitting in your home and click it on computer.Moreover,It can make everyone become more unity.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Market battles to keep charm

Vendors at Sam Chuk fear its history, culture and even architecture are at risk now a UNESCO award has put it on the tourist map
After 'The 100-year-old Sam Chuk Market’ won UNESCO award in year 2009 this place has very famous and it has appeared on tourism maps.Many Thai and foreign tourism go to this place that help Thailand increase national income from this issue.However, The Sam Chuk Market risks to lose their own cultural because a lot of seller want to sell their goods to tourism and gain more money.So,they think if they have many kind of goods to sell it's means they have more chance to sell even though this kind of goods isn't own cultural.

I love Thai culture and nothing gonna change my mind.I never go to this place in my life but I know this place it's a very good place,it fulfill with old visual and valuable to protect.I think this is a good topic.It can teach you many things like to preserve your culture, sometimes money is not everything in your life.I think a selfish seller will know that someday.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Revolutionising the cash card

Pre-paid credit to boost payment convenience
Nowadays, We live in hi-tech age.A lot of things can pay thought Internet and other network.So, Mr.Piyachart Ratanaprasartporn, general manager of True Money, have a new interest technology show us.In the picture it's a True touch Sim scanner that I'm talking about.True Touch Sim can do many things and easy to adding money.You just walk to 7-11 or convenience store near your home to add money to your Touch Sim.It can be use to pay online top-ups without any charge.Moreover, you can use it to pay many things thought Internet and use in some restaurants that have ageement with true company such as Mr.Donut, Auntie Anne's,pay for water or electric units ,and WeLoveShopping website.In shopping section, Mr.Piyachart have a lot of problems with this section because many people don't trust to buy something thought Internet.They think It's too risk.

In my opinion,I stongly agree with Mr.Piyachart idea because nowadays 'time' is valuable.So, Touch Sim can reduce your time to go out and pay anything in many places to go.You can shopping without going outside.You can pay for goods in some restaurant and see it easy to use.So, I think it's good idea to step to new world!!!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The iPad goes to college

The iPad goes to university? The iPad,the most popular technology now,has a chance to shows ability in university.In this fall,many universities in Europe and USA interested iPad and want to integrate it with their course because this new technology is very comfortable to use it and take to everywhere.Although many student can receptive iPad but most student and faculty complain have a problem with iPad,they complain about slow refresh rate of e-Ink displays, problematic input, inability to load PDFs over the network, and inability to view more than one text at a time as major sticking points.However,new version of iPad,that faster speed than old version,is available to used with university in this fall.

I think it's a nice idea to make iPad to be part of university because it make many thing easier and faster,comfortable,and can save the world by reduce to use paper.However it has many problem to solve before be launched I mean their should make it stable before sold to people right? in my opinion I'm OK with iPad except problem that happen.
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