Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thaniya plans green community mall

Keep Green Environment
Thaniya Group plan a big project,they want to construct neighbourhood community malls but it isn't ordinary malls.Thaniya Group try to make the mall unique natural as much as possible with green community concept.They say it's time to develop our country but keep it natural.Then this big project was created and it will be start in three months later.

First time when I read this article,I really impress about Thaniya Group's idea because they try to mix modern and natural together.I never see something like this project before.I think this place it going to be the first little forest in the middle of metropolis in the future.


Drilling concessions strongly opposed

Oil exploration in the Gulf of Thailand is met with outrage from locals and tourist-related industries

On 7th August 2010,A lot of people start to protest against the oil exploration plan.They protest by try to make a link of human around Samui island.The main purpose of this protest is to oppose the oil exploration because government want to construct the oil exploration near Samui island.The protesters think if construction happen it might be destroy environment around Samui island, the world-famous tourist spots. Do you think it's OK when beautiful places have destroyed.

This forum is interesting.For me, I love to travel to many places especially a sea.So,I agree with protesters because I don't want to see any natural place destroyed.I don't know why government decide to construct the oil exploration on that place but I know one thing,it isn't a right thing to do.


King Power blast M79 grenade

On 26th August 2010,the King Power has bomb by unidentified group.On Thursday night the King Power has bomb by M79 grenade.When police arrive they assume that the bomb might be fire from the opposite side of the King Power.This circumstance has one victim,Jessada Chankrachang.He is a security guard of the King Power.The police think this circumstance link with the previous happen on July 30. Lastly, the police conclude this group of unidentified people just want to disturb the society.

I think this circumstance shouldn't happen because in the past Thai people have unity and everyone try to protect our country together. I don't know what going on with Thailand everyone doesn't help each other like before. For me, I like to fix a problem with love and peace instead of hate and violent.

Hi there! Welcome to my blog. I'm glad to see you everyone. My name is Game. Feel like your home and let's see. Maybe you have some idea from my blog.